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Coin Gold 107
Beechwood Gold 124
Old Gold 155
Pumkin 202
Crimson 312
Wine 338
Dusty Rose 345
Purple 433
Vanilla 5
Navy 509
Alpine Green 603
Sea Mist 607
Holly Green 613
Spray Green 686
Black 700
Sandstone 814
Chocolate 855
Seal Brown 867
Clay 919
Light Coral 316
Dark French Blue 520
Silvertone 707
Pewter Grey 701
Camel Gold 134
Tobacco Brown 807
Khaki Green 9649
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Trims Plus
P.O. Box 4895
Sunriver, OR 97707
USA Tel: (541) 593-7426
Fax: (541) 593-6426
